Thursday, August 25, 2011

Just One More Thing...

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”


My sister had family visiting from California recently.  In the midst of her cleaning frenzy, she noticed the old bedspread in her guest room.    It was worn, tired and a little threadbare after twenty-odd years.  She had been talking about replacing it for years, and decided it was finally time. She’d bite the bullet, and get a brand new bedspread before her company arrived.

She called and told me that she had purchased one bedspread, but her husband decided on another one, so now she had two new bedspreads.  I was really happy and excited for her because this had been something she wanted for a long time. 


The next day when I called my sister, she was out of breath.  When I inquired, she told me that the paint looked dingy up next to that beautiful new bedspread so she decided to paint the bedroom. 


I called later to check on the painting progress.

“Well, when I got started painting, I realized there were some places I needed to mud and sand, so I’m busy getting that done,” my sister told me.

The next phone call didn’t surprise me at all.  The ceiling looked shabby so new paint was being applied…and then the carpet looked really ugly with all the new paint around it.  New carpet was on its way.

When I called again, she told me that they had decided that they were going to give the old bedroom furniture to their son.  It just didn’t go with the new bedspread, walls, ceiling and carpet.  They were busy tearing down and moving in bedroom suites.

Those of you who know my sister, Donna, know that she always has a project that she’s working on and that she never does anything half-way.  My sister, Linda, and I laughed at how the bedspread had turned into a major renovation, but as I thought about it, I realized that it’s just like life.

Once we make a change, it just creates more changes…like ripples in a clear pool.  If we start exercising, it can make us start to eat healthier.  If we decide to be diligent in one area, it will make us more conscientious in every other aspect of our life.  And like my sister, we may wait years to change something…we may decide the work is too hard, or there are too many risks to change anything at all, but if we make the smallest change, it leads to greater things than we can even imagine.

Pick something, anything at all…just one little thing, and be diligent about it for three weeks, then let me know what differences you see in your life!

"One good turn deserves another."

- English Proverb

Low-fat Carrot-Pineapple Cake

4 C grated carrots                                       1 C sugar (or molasses)
1 C crushed pineapple                                1 C prune puree
4 large egg whites                                       1 tsp vanilla
2 C flour                                                     2 tsp cinnamon
2 tsp baking soda                                       ¾ C flaked coconut

In a large bowl, combine carrots, sugar, pineapple, prune puree, egg whites and vanilla.  Stir to blend thoroughly.  Add remaining ingredients, except coconut.  Mix completely.  Gently stir in coconut.  Pour batter into 9x13 baking pan, coated with non stick spray.  Bake 45 minutes at 375. 

Friday, August 19, 2011


Sunday is my birthday, and I have just finished editing my new book, The Wednesday Boy, so, I am taking the week off!   Sometimes we must take the time to celebrate our lives and accomplishments!  Hope you all have a fabulous week!

Saturday, August 13, 2011


"For when three sisters love each other with such sincere affection, the one does not experience sorrow, pain, or affliction of any kind, but the other's heart wishes to relieve, and vibrates in tenderness... like a well-organized musical instrument."

Author: Elizabeth Shaw

I have two blood sisters and a dozen sisters from different mothers and my advice to you is…if you don’t have a sister, make one!  Everyone needs sisters…lots of them!

Every week when I write this blog, before it is posted, I read it to my sisters.  In every accomplishment my sisters share and in every trial my sisters support me.  I have sisters that advise me on grooming my Westie and sisters that edit books for me and sisters that write blogs about me and sisters that have been there with me for decades and sisters with whom I share a family history and DNA.

My radiologist calls my sisters “the committee” because I’ve never been to an appointment without my one or both of my sisters and several of my heart sisters. Without their support and love I’m not sure I’d be here today. 

Sisters aren’t the same as friends (whether you’re related or not).  There’s a depth to sisterhood that doesn’t exist in any other relationship.  My sisters have taught me to work through my anger because I depend on the relationship and besides that there’s no escape.  My sisters have taught me to develop my sense of humor because they know my patterns and my stories and are not afraid to use them (especially at family holidays or in front of complete strangers).  My sisters have taught me that I’m not the only duck in the pond…and, being the youngest, have taught me that I’m just lucky to be in the pond.  My sisters have taught me faith because they may not always understand me but they still support me. My sisters have taught me creativity because paybacks are hell!  Most of all my sisters have taught me genuine selfless love just because they are my sisters.

So today I’m sending love and gratitude to all my sisters and wishes that you have a sister in your life!

“Help one another, is part of the religion of sisterhood.” 
~Louisa May Alcott
My Sister Donna’s Cheesecake
(one of the reasons I love her!)
1 large can Milnot (chilled)                            1 pkg. lemon Jell-o
1-8oz pkg. cream cheese                                1 C sugar
1 tsp vanilla                                                     1 small can crushed pineapple
½ lb graham cracker crumbs                         1 heaping tsp. powdered sugar
1 cube butter                                                  1 C nuts

Dissolve jello in 1 cup hot water and cool until syrupy.  Beat Milnot until very stiff.  Beat Jell-o until foamy and then beat it into the Milnot.  Cream the cheese with sugar and vanilla and add small amount of Milnot mixture.  Fold in drained pineapple.  Add nuts. 

Mix cracker crumbs, powdered sugar, melted butter.  Put ½ mixture in bottom of pan (9X13).  Pour in cheese mixture and sprinkle with other ½ crumbs and chill. 
Add blueberry filling or thickened blueberries (or any fruit) to top and garnish with whipped cream!

Friday, August 5, 2011


"Be still and know that I am God."  Psalm 46:10
Every morning I write my gratitude list, my goals list, I read my vision statement and then I meditate.  Mediation is an amazing experience where I can be still and know.

It's usually dark when I meditate because it's so early in the morning.  I sit in the recliner and take three deep cleansing breaths, in through my nose and out through my mouth.  I focus on that still small voice inside.

"You've forgotten something," the still small voice says.

"Shhhhh!  I'm busy being quiet," I say in my grown up voice.

"But I know it's really important," the still small voice continues to whine.

"It doesn't matter!  For right now I need to listen," I insist.

"Then listen to me because I think the dogs need water.  What kind of person are you that you just sit here in the dark and let the dogs thirst to death?"

"Shhhhh!" I remind myself and the voice, that is no longer still or small.

"I hate to bring this up now, but you really screwed up that presentation.  I thought you were better prepared!"  Now the still small voice is just being hateful.

"You're right.  I really did mess that up!  What was I thinking even putting myself in that situation?"  I concede.

"Yeah, remember when you were fourteen and nobody came to your birthday party?  You were kind of a loser even then, hu?"

Why can't we just shut up?  The chatter in our heads never seems to stop! And yet, in order to KNOW anything, we must be still.  We are constantly plugged in to some device or some other person and, even while we sleep, we have noises buzzing around us.  The more information we are privy to the less we really know; ironic, isn't it?

At what point do we prioritize the stillness, the chance to tap in to the mind and heart of God?  The opportunities to know are endless, but we resist it and then wrestle with it and then completely fight it like the silence is our enemy.

"Whatcha doin' now?" the voice asks.

I picture still water where I can see my reflection.

"Hey, remember that guy that cut you off in traffic?  That was rude, hu?"

"The reflection momentarily gets fuzzy and then comes back into focus.

"You're being kinda rude now," the voice points out.

The reflection becomes very clear and still and the voice gets quieter and quieter until it is the softest whisper and then becomes very still.

And the answer I am seeking becomes perfectly clear!

Meditation is over.

"Hey, you're going to do this again tomorrow, right?" the voice asks.

"Yes, I am," I answer.

"Okay, well, I'll be here!  I have a lot to tell you...important stuff!"


"So, see ya tomorrow?"

"See you tomorrow."

"For those who wish to climb the mountain of spiritual awareness, the path is selfless work.  For those who have attained the summit of union with the Lord, the path is stillness and peace."   Bhagavad Gita

                                                       Thai Chicken Salad
2 chicken breasts (cooked and cut into strips)
1 medium red onion, chopped
3 scallions, sliced (including tops)
3 slices ginger (minced)
1/4 C cilantro (coriander leaves) chopped
Toasted sesame seeds (for final garnish)

1/4 C olive oil
2 T hot chili oil
1 large clove garlic, minced
1/2 C rice vinegar
3 T tamari
2 dried red peppers (or to taste)

In a bowl, mix together the chicken, onions, scallions, ginger and cilantro.  In a separate container, prepare the vinaigrette by combining the oils and garlic.  Next, whisk in the vinegar and tamari.  Add the peppers.  This dressing will get hotter the longer it stands.  Toss the chicken salad with the vinaigrette.  Sprinkle with the toasted sesame seeds.

Makes enough for 4 salads.